UPS & FedEx guarantee each shipment, even ground, to arrive by a certain time of day. If it’s even one minute late, that package is free. U-PIC customers can now rely on the Refund Retriever SaaS to automatically detect late packages and billing mistakes, apply for refunds, and confirm credits.
Refund Retriever is teaming up with U-PIC to offer U-PIC customers a small parcel auditing solution that identifies late package delivery issues and over-charges occurring with FedEx & UPS shipments. Additionally, this partnership will provide Refund Retriever clients an option for deeply discounted insurance rates. Refund Retriever customers can now insure packages from damage, loss, and shortage for up to 85% less than FedEx or UPS.
“We are eager to help lower shipping costs even further for all of the companies in the Refund Retriever family,” said Brian C. Gibbs, Refund Retriever president. “Whether it’s late package refunds or a reduction in the basic fees associated with everyday shipping like discounted insurance costs, lowering overall shipping costs is why so many people come to Refund Retriever.”
Refund Retriever clients can click the link below to get more information about potential savings with U-PIC. Fill out the ‘Request to Provide’ application at
“We’re excited to be partnering with Refund Retriever,” said Dylan Scott, VP Sales of U-PIC Insurance Services. “ Both companies are about saving their clients money and the combination of low cost U-PIC insurance and Refund Retriever’s performance enforcement creates a powerful tool to lower shipping costs and to “Insure Happiness®” for our mutual customers.”
Founded in 1989, U-PIC provides supplemental package insurance coverage for all size businesses and individuals. A licensed insurance executive is assigned to each client, and submitted claims are resolved within 7-10 business days. U-PIC not only offers low competitive rates, but state-of-the-