In 2011, United Parcel Service began charging more to handle oversized packages. Over maximum limit packages are heavier or larger than average, therefore costing UPS more internally to process. They are passing on the cost to the shippers and making more profit.
How much is the UPS over maximum charge?
- 2025: $1,325
- 2024: $1,250
- 2023: $1,150
- 2022: $1,025
- 2021: $920
- 2020: $875
- 2019: $850
- 2019 Peak Season: $1100
- 2018: $650
- 2018 Peak Season: $900
- 2017: $150
- 2016: $110
- 2015: $57.50
What is a UPS Over Maximum Limit Charge?
In short, there are a few characteristics to ring this bell—packages with an actual weight of more than 150 pounds. Shipments exceeding 108 inches or a total of 165 inches in length plus girth are not accepted for transportation. So if your package is not accepted for transportation, they will still ship it but tack some charges on. Therefore, let’s read the fine print from UPS.
- Packages with an actual weight of more than 150 pounds, or
- Shipments that exceed 108 inches in length, or
- Packages exceed a total of 165 inches in length plus girth [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined
UPS Over Maximum Limits: 2022 Daily Rate Charge
40.7 Over Maximum Limits Charge
Packages that exceed the weight or size restrictions outlined in UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions Section 3.1, Items Not Accepted for Transportation. These packages are subject to one or more additional charges: Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size. In particular, these charges apply in addition to all other applicable charges.
3.1 Items Not Accepted for Transportation

Next, look at UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions of Service for 2019. Packages with an actual weight of more than 150 pounds, or when measured exceed 108 inches in length or exceed a total of 165 inches in length plus girth [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined.
These packages are subject to one or more additional charges: Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size. Remember, UPS over maximum limits charges apply in addition to all other applicable charges.
Why is UPS Charging You More?
UPS over maximum limits charges are designed to discourage shippers from sending heavier products in the small parcel network. With the expansion of e-commerce, shoppers can now purchase products like furniture, tires, and appliances with the simple click of a mouse. These products required professional delivery in the past, but sellers have started using FedEx and UPS, and UPS wants sellers to use freight networks for larger shipments.
“It’s not a revenue-generating charge, its something we have increased regularly over time to encourage customers to ship through the UPS Freight network for these over max items.”
UPS spokesman Glenn Zaccara via Reuters
Our Experience with the UPS Over Maximum Limits Charge
Our customer sent a ground shipment with initial dimensions that did not exceed 165 inches. The package was 50 x 50 x 7, 164 inches. Once the UPS invoice arrived, there were new audited dimensions of 50 x 49 x 9, totaling 166. These dimensions triggered the UPS over maximum charge.
We placed a call to UPS billing to learn more about the charge and the audited dimensions. The operator searched the UPS system to see how many times the package was remeasured. The operator said these packages are typically measured two or three times at different locations by different people.
The UPS representative could not see the remeasurement in the UPS system. Also, there was no verification that the audited dimensions were as stated on the invoice. Therefore he removed the additional charge since he could not prove the resize. The total call time was seven minutes and twenty seconds, and another happy Refund Retriever client saved $500 with our superior business intelligence.
Impact on Shippers?
We have seen an increase in over maximum surcharges, and many shippers are unaware of these charges until it is too late. With the help of Refund Retriever’s large surcharge reports, a shipper can query past shipment history to identify previous costs. We can find the UPS over maximum limit charge in all the data available.
In real-time, our reporting and analytics can identify each tracking number with any surcharge over $30. We find that most of these substantial accessorial fees are preventable. Many times it is a simple case of lack of education. UPS over maximum limit is preventable. UPS has an excellent freight network that is much cheaper.
Contact Refund Retriever today if these UPS over maximum limit charges are an issue for your business. Our parcel audit, combined with a full suite of reports and analytics, can reduce your shipping cost and help reveal your true shipping spend. Stay tuned for more information on the additional handling fees.