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FedEx Address Corrections: What you need to know

By Last updated on: February 10, 2025

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Accessorial fees and surcharges are a considerable part of any shipper’s yearly shipping costs. Many shippers see these as a part of doing business, but there are many fees that you, as a shipper, can stop. The FedEx address correction fee is our topic of discussion here. Address corrections happen to be a huge profit center for UPS and FedEx.

When a shipper inputs an incorrect address when creating a shipment, the carrier will attempt to correct this address for a hefty fee. Within the U.S., FedEx also will assess this fee if the address is a P.O. box number or P.O. box ZIP code. In addition, if your package incurs an address correction fee, the on-time or it’s free guarantee is no longer effective.

What does a FedEx Address Correction Cost?

  • 2025, the cost is $24.00 for normal shipments
Service2025 Cost
Ground and Express – US and International Services$24.00
US Express Freight Services$130.00
FedEx Express Multiweight – Express$168.00
FedEx Express Multiweight – Ground$72.00

What is a FedEx Address Correction? 

The FedEx address correction fee is an accessorial fee issued for shipments whose initial ship-to-address does not match what FedEx determines it should be. Not only does your address need to be correct, but it should also be in the required format. It is good practice to abbreviate any directional or street type (i.e., N, S, E, W or S.T., AVE, FWY). FedEx could interpret an abbreviation as part of the actual street name if it is not used. In short, a misinterpretation could then lead to an address correction fee.


Check out this link for a USPS list of examples of suffix forms: street suffix names, street suffixes, or suffix abbreviations. USPS recommends official Postal Service standard suffix abbreviations. This is an excellent standard to follow. For more information, click here.

How to Prevent Corrections

Verify addresses before shipping. Look into address verification software. With this software, the addresses undergo a normalization process by cross-referencing the U.S. Postal Address Database. Validation software will then perform several further checks to guarantee the address on file is accurate. Here are some other tips to prevent FedEx address corrections:

  • Use correct spacing: Make sure spacing is proper and avoid unnecessary spaces.
  • Use correct spelling: Eliminate spelling and typographic errors.
  • Standard abbreviations – USPS designates abbreviation standards for state, street suffix, and apartment designations.

How to Fix an Incorrect FedEx Address Online

If FedEx identifies an undeliverable address, it can be corrected online. Enter the tracking number and go to the tracking details page on Once there, please choose the correct my address button and find the address modification window. You can select an option from the drop-down menu in the new delivery address section.

Our Address Correction Reports

Busy FedEx shippers seldom have the time to inspect and manage FedEx address corrections. Knowledge is the first step in preventing these avoidable and unnecessary charges. Refund Retriever’s services include specific reports to identify duplicated address corrections.

UPS Address Correction Report Refund Retriever

Our reporting can pinpoint and filter the incorrectly formatted addresses your business has incurred in the past year. With access to valuable data, you can fix these problems internally.

What does all this mean? 

The FedEx address corrections not only cause potential customer service issues for your employees but also allow FedEx to deliver the package late with an additional charge. Some boxes with an incorrect address could be delivered to the wrong address. Extra customer service representatives to handle these issues could result in potential problems. Lower your shipping expenses and increase customer satisfaction by preventing address correction issues before your shipments leave your possession.

Brian Gibbs

Author Brian Gibbs

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Brian Gibbs | President of Refund Retriever

Brian Gibbs founded Refund Retriever in 2006 while running his first eBay-based business and seeing the shortcomings of other shipment auditing companies. Refund Retriever's primary focus is FedEx and UPS parcel invoice auditing. After graduating from Texas A&M University in 2001, he graduated from the University of Houston in 2004 with a JD and MBA. Gibbs has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other publications discussing parcel auditing, shipping, e-commerce, and more. Learn more at or call (800) 441-8085 for more information.

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