UPS guarantees the on-time delivery of all Ground and Express packages, but not every shipment is on time. But, if UPS delivers your package just 60 seconds late, you are entitled to a 100 percent refund of the shipping charges. Let’s look at the UPS GSR waiver, also known as a Guaranteed Service Refund.
A trend in the ever-changing parcel negotiation world is UPS promising more significant discounts in exchange for foregoing a money-back guarantee. But delivering packages on time is a service standard – not a luxury. Does it ever make sense to waive the right to a refund if your carrier provides substandard service?
UPS GSR Waiver is more than potentially saving a few bucks
Remember that a delivered package is possibly your last contact with a customer. Would a late package leave you with a good impression? In addition to being an unsatisfied customer, your guaranteed service refund waiver now prohibits you from receiving a refund for that UPS

Why would UPS request a GSR waiver?
Professional auditing companies do much more than just late delivery refunds. Without the ability to find late delivery refunds, we here at Refund Retriever would not be able to audit for other issues. We can find other mistakes in your invoices.
- Duplicate billings
- Missing discount rates
- Erroneous Saturday fees
- Dimensional weight errors
- Residential Errors
- Packages manifested but never shipped (UPS voids)
- As well as other mistakes.
UPS knows we rely on credits from late refunds to provide reports and analytics. Without refund credits, identification of other mistakes is now all in your hands.
Refund Retriever can also help:
- Analyze your shipping spend
- Show inefficiencies in your shipping
- Help understand where your shipping dollars are going
- Shipping data and performance in your hands can cost FedEx and UPS millions of dollars a year.
Have your representative provide a UPS GSR waiver impact summary. Learn how many packages will receive this “additional discount.” Similarly, how much will this save your company each month?
UPS Holiday Season Service Guarantee
UPS packages picked up or delivered within the United States are guaranteed throughout the holiday season. Commitment times for air packages scheduled for delivery from the end of November to January will be extended by 90 minutes or to the end of the day.
The guarantee is suspended for all UPS Ground shipments picked up or scheduled for delivery Nov. 26–Dec. 24.
Never agree to a UPS GSR Waiver.
- Proper negotiation and data analysis can produce additional incentives.
- Maintain the right to hold UPS accountable for delivery failures.
- In summary, do not sacrifice service for a price. In the end, it is your customer who suffers from service failures.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the UPS GSR waiver, we are here to help. Similarly, contact us for information about contract negotiating services—call (800) 441-8085 or email