ASIN and FNSKU are two essential terms all Amazon FBA sellers should know. Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a unique set of ten-digit letters and numbers identifying items. No two products will ever have the same ASIN. ASINs are meant to keep everything in order. The FNSKU stands for Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit.
Amazon assigns these numbers when you create a new product in their catalog. Anyone can identify the ASIN number by using the search box on the Amazon homepage.
Where can you find the Amazon ASIN?
The ASIN will be in the product information for any item. It will also be located in the URL at the top of the browser. The ASIN will be after the “/DP/.”
You can also search within the “Add a product page” on your Amazon Seller Central account. This Amazon identifier for your products is necessary before you can sell anything on Amazon.

Any single product for sale on Amazon should have an ASIN and a detail page for the product. In addition, you only need to create a new ASIN if the product you want to sell is not in the Amazon catalog.
What is FNSKU?
The FNSKU is an acronym for Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. The FNSKU is how Amazon distinguishes a product as unique to a seller sent to the Amazon fulfillment center. Therefore. Every product moving through an Amazon fulfillment center receives an FNSKU.
You need an FNSKU to create FBA inbound shipments; those products need an identifier to be fulfilled by Amazon. Also, FNSKU is how you will get credit when a product ships to a customer from Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
What is a UPC?
UPC is a Universal Product Code, a twelve-digit number used for retail packaging in the US.
What is an ISBN?
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier barcode that applies only to a book. ISBN will either be ten or thirteen digits. Incidentally, all codes assigned after 2007 will have thirteen numbers. The ISBN differs from UPC and ASIN because they are explicitly set for books.
How can Refund Retriever help lower your FBA costs?
The Amazon ASIN is essential to all sellers. But monitoring all of your inventory is just as important. Refund Retriever offers an in-house solution to all your FBA reimbursement needs. We manually check the entire inventory lifecycle of all your products. In addition, you receive refunds for everything you deserve. To learn more about our Amazon FBA service, click here.
- Make sure that you receive reimbursements for
- Improperly received or miscounted items
- Lost or damaged inventory
- Mishandled returns
- Lost in-bound shipments