Every FedEx and UPS package you send is guaranteed to arrive or free – even ground and home delivery. However, FedEx and UPS do not automatically give you a refund for a late shipment. Refund Retriever automatically audits your invoices and returns the credits to your invoices.
Thanks to our integration with BigCommerce, saving money on your shipping is even easier. It takes less than 90 seconds for Big Commerce users to sign up.
Start using Refund Retriever inside BigCommerce.
Go to the apps section on the left side of your BigCommerce dashboard and search for Refund Retriever in the search bar. Look for our logo with the dog and click.
The first screen shows what Refund Retriever will and will not have access to in your BigCommerce account. Click confirm and go to the next screen, where you will fill in more information about your shipping accounts.

Next, you will provide us access to your UPS and FedEx Online Billing, reconfirm your passwords, and click the ADD button. This access will allow us to download your current and previous invoices to submit the GSR (Guaranteed Service Refund) and other billing mistake refunds.
BigCommerce makes it easy.
You’re all finished! Within 24 hours, you will receive an email once we have verified your shipping accounts and started processing. Refund Retriever is THE professional small parcel auditing company- no alternatives exist! If you want the best logistics management and auditing, choose Refund Retriever!