FedEx Saturday delivery and FedEx Saturday pickup are available in most cities across the United States. These fees apply to most express services. Conversely, Home Delivery includes Saturday delivery at no cost to most of the U.S.
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FedEx Saturday Delivery Charges
Saturday delivery is available for domestic package shipments with FedEx First Overnight, Priority Overnight, and 2Day services. Of course, this comes at an additional charge. This fee will still be charged if FedEx does not deliver or attempt on Saturday because of a requested later delivery or location closure. Otherwise, the FedEx Money-Back Guarantee may apply if failure to deliver on Saturday results from an unexcused service failure.

FedEx Saturday Pickup Charges
Saturday pickup is available with FedEx First Overnight, FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2Day, and Express Saver for an additional charge. Also, the maximum Saturday pickup charge for FedEx Express U.S. package services is $112 per shipment. An additional charge also applies when you request Saturday pickup for FedEx International First or FedEx International Priority shipments. Select Shipping Rates & Delivery Times from the Shipping tab at to check availability. Subsequently, Saturday pickup is not available with International Economy.

FedEx SameDay and FedEx SameDay Freight Saturday

FedEx also offers these services for SameDay and SameDay Freight shipments. For SameDay, the cost is $50 for Saturday pickup and delivery and $60 for Sunday pickup and delivery. In comparison, FedEx SameDay Freight will cost $150 for Saturday and $175 for Sunday. By the way, the fee covers both pickup and delivery on the same day.
FedEx SameDay City Saturday Pickup or Delivery Fees
This fee is based on a scheduled ready or delivery time on a Saturday. Saturday pickup or delivery is available for SameDay City Priority, SameDay City Standard, SameDay City Direct, or SameDay City Route shipments.

How do I lower my FedEx shipping costs?
With shipping rates and shopping cart abandonment going up yearly, shippers must control costs while protecting their bottom line. A company can decrease these costs with complete contract analysis and agreement renegotiation. In summary, Refund Retriever is here to help.