Collect on delivery is available with UPS and FedEx small parcel shipping services. UPS & FedEx C.O.D. service allows you to sell to customers without extending credit or requiring prepayment. C.O.D. service is available on an individual package basis for most service levels. FedEx and UPS deliver the C.O.D. package…
A FedEx invalid account fee applies if the shipper does not provide a valid or accurate FedEx account or credit card number for the selected billing option. For FedEx Ground, this includes requests to bill accounts without a U.S. or Canadian billing address. This FedEx missing or invalid account surcharge…
The FedEx Ground Unauthorized Package Charge is a fee rarely seen by shippers, but when it appears, a shipper will take action immediately! FedEx recently announced general changes to surcharges on unauthorized shipments that require additional handling. Generally, FedEx announces these fee increases in September each year, which go into…
Here are FedEx 2023 Holiday money-back guarantee details every business should know! During the 2023 holiday shipping season, FedEx will temporarily extend delivery commitment times for the money-back guarantee for certain dates. Other than the dates listed below, each and every ground, home delivery, and express FedEx package is guaranteed…
Let’s reduce shipping costs. FedEx and UPS are the world’s leading shipping couriers you can trust for speedy delivery of packages. Shipping costs can differ based on factors such as shipping destination, package size, weight, and shipping service selected. This blog presents ways to decrease shipping costs with FedEx and…