If your shipment is late by 60 seconds - it’s FREE!
Refund Types
+ Late Delivery (GSR)
+ Address Correction
+ Duplicate Charges
+ Residential Service Fee
+ Saturday Delivery Fee
Reports & Analytics
+ Lost Packages
+ Damaged Packages
+ Service Discount Reports
+ Accessorial Fee Overcharges
+ Discount Rate Benchmarking
You have late deliveries now!
FedEx and UPS offer a money-back guarantee on packages delivered late. Businesses use premium carriers to get shipments delivered on or before a certain date or time. If a package is delivered more than a minute after the guaranteed delivery, your company deserves a refund for the shipping charges.
We complete the dispute process for you.
The catch is that the business owner, must track, identify and process refund claims. Refund Retriever helps businesses by finding late deliveries and processing UPS refunds.
No risk - our fee is a percentage of savings.
UPS and FedEx money-back refunds are only processed on your request. They do not automatically detect and refund shipping costs. Refund Retriever can instantly find and process unclaimed late deliveries. We only charge a percentage of the dollar amount that UPS credits back to your company.